Monday, October 1, 2012

Awe-mazing Run!

 It doesn't get better than taking a random trail and discovering something that is so awe inspiring you just have to stop and let it sink in.  Add to that the fact that you've run and hiked passed it hundreds of times and it was so well hidden you never knew it was there.  Until today. 
I have a choice to stay right and drop down Buckeye Ravine, which was my plan when I set out on todays run...or I could hang a left and see where this trail ends up...why not??
While it looks like it just goes to the top of a hill to have a scenic view, it actually kept going, so I stayed on it.  This is an excellent view of the valley that when I mention "running out the bottom of Castle Rock"...that valley is the bottom.  You can see the 2 fields that Stage Road, the trail along the bottom, go past.

And then I looked back up ahead of me and saw this!! This is the best view of Castle Rock I have ever seen, and how they got the materials out here to build this bench I don't know, but it is just amazing!! The Summit of Diablo is in the background behind Castle Rock.

I couldn't leave!! I sat here for longer than I should have, knowing that the longer I stayed here, the hotter it was getting.....but it was so amazingly peaceful and beautiful, I had to stay put and soak it in.  The only noise was a cow every now and then from the hill across the valley.
When I got going, I decided to not to go back the way I came, but to continue on what there was of a trail.  It was more like a deer trail than single track, but it was heading the direction I needed to go - down - so I took it.  I am so glad I was alone, especially w/o my mom or Brian.  It was not the smartest choice ever made, and there was much more sliding down and grabbing bushes or trees or anything to stop my momentum...than there was running.  A few times I had to stop and look around and make sure I was still on a trail at all.  If I wasnt' I figured I could just curl up and roll down the rest of the way and would stop at the bottom!

It ended up coming out at the bottom of Buckeye Ravine, see the trail??  It looks like a smear down the hill coming out of the bushes.
Such an amazing morning! I love that I now have a secret spot to take a minute and breath and let the quiet and beauty sink in.  I can totally see sticking a book in the back of my Nathan vest and sitting up there having a good read! And mom....I remembered coming down this trail that I need to get a whistle!! I always have water, food, and my GoSportId band....but a whistle is a good idea if I plan on following random trails just for fun : )

There's more pics from today's run on our photo site here.

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