Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Suns Out!

First -
I mean, really.  How can you have a bad day when it starts with such amazing goodness??  So green, so blue, and so sunny!

We had our family planning meeting....not that kind of family planning....the meeting where we decide what's happening race wise.  We decided to stick with walking/running 5ks.   We'll have the joy of the race experience, without any time consuming training (i.e. no training).  We'll be volunteering at Wildcat and Bad Bass, and running at Nitro, Bear Creek, Trail Hog, Goonies, and Diablo.  There's also a Huntington Beach Color Run in there, around our anniversary in September.  So these picks take us into November, when we'll meet again and plan some more.
Turkey Vulture

Other than that, we are wrapping up another school year! Hard to believe, but we've got about 5 weeks left.  State testing is happening for Sophie and Myles, and Emma's gearing up for finals. We have one big trip planned for the summer that we are all stoked for.  It's Brian's parents 50th anniversary and we are all spending the better part of a week on a fancy houseboat on Lake Shasta.  Fancy for us is one with a slide, hot tub, and up stairs area : ) By all I mean Brian's sisters and their families and his folks.  We are all excited and I can't wait to have all the kids together.  It's the first time they will all get to spend a decent amount of time together.

Our Summer table is out, pool and lights are next!
But before we can get to that, we've got end of the year parties, the 4th grade Gold Rush Days, Gold Dust or Bust musical, 7th grade awards, setting up the pool, figuring out how to keep the hot half of the house cool....anyone else have that problem??  One end stays 75 and our bedroom and bath are hotter than the outside temps, which have been in the 90's.  Brian has a few work trips coming up, too.
We did a short, hot, family hike this past Sunday in Shell Ridge.

I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying whatever weather you have! Happy Hump Day!
There's a P.S. down there....

 P.S I know I've always complained about phone pictures vs "real" camera pictures.....but man, this new phone isn't bad! I rarely use my actual camera anymore.  These pictures are all unedited, straight off my phone : )

1 comment:

  1. Yay for being out at all those races! Hopefully we will see you there (the volunteering ones will depend on where you end up stationed, I guess). (A secret that I shouldn't be typing out loud is that Diane and are trying to streak this year, so if it's a race Brazen is putting on, we will be there.)

    The cameras in phones take nice shots, but I still carry my rugged camera for the races since it's much faster to take shots and I likely won't break it. (I'm amazed at how many people will stop their race, dig out their phone, do whatever fiddling they have to do to take a picture, then put it away. It is WAY too much work. Although they are also not taking 95 pictures during a 10K like do.)
