Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Nerd Genes Run Deep


The science fair was last night. Soph and Em both did elective projects this year. They aren't required to participate until 4th grade, but both girls had been wanting to do a project, so we went for it.

Emma's was on the best wing design for lift, and Sophie's was on how paleontologists do excavations. Both were wonderful, and after seeing all the projects last night, I was very proud of both girls.

There are 2 winners chosen from both 4th and 5th grade, and one from 3rd grade.....Emma was that one! She greeted me after school with a gold medal around her neck, and the info that next Friday we will be setting up her project at the District Science Fair, where we will spend a few hours next Saturday morning while she explains her project.

I am very proud of both girls, they both put in a lot of time and energy and their projects looked wonderful! I have pictures to prove this fact, but they are in my camera still : )

Oh, and those genes.....all Brian's.

1 comment:

  1. Can Spencer use Emma's for his Science Fair project? Please! Brian got all the nerd genes. :0
    Great job girls!
