Sunday, July 4, 2010

Monday = Long Run

I love Brian and I...I woke up with tired hamstrings, he woke up "bloated" (his words, not mine). Tired or not I was up , with some encouragement, at 5, ate a big bowl of Kashi and a banana. Brian gets up and dressed and then lets me know he's bloated, I say my hami's are tired, and we crawled back into bed until, well, 9 for me, he was up a bit earlier.
It all works out because I had forgotten he was off tomorrow, so after service, we will get it done.
In the mean time, here is a pic that my wonderful 8 year old created. It is proudly hanging on my fridge. After a few days, I finally got the nerve up to delicately ask her if Woody was a vet, or if Bulls Eye was expecting. She's heard my childhood stories, so I though maybe......but no, he has his arm around Bulls Eye. Love my kids!


  1. That is so awesome! City girl that I am, I was thinking hugging.....
