Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Haile Gebrselassie on "Pushing"

I think that running long distances (and perhaps any endurance sport) is a lot like having children in a certain way. That is, people can try to explain it, describe it, tell you what its like. It may seem pretty simple and basic from the outside. You have a child, teach it, raise it up right, and send it on its way. Parents, however, know that it is extremely complicated. There truly is no way to fully explain it to someone who does not have children. It is an amazing journey, emotional, has perhaps and equal number of highs and lows and yet the highs will always far out weigh the lows....I could go on and on....but unless you have kids....its just words.

Running. Simple enough. One foot in front of the other, right? You get dressed, you go outside, or to the gym, or to the treadmill in the garage, and you run. Seems simple and basic from the outside, right? Runners, however, know that is is extremely complicated. The longer the run, the more complicated it can become. We each have our own reasons, our own thoughts and memories we pull on and use as either something that pushes us to keep going, or that we choose to keep pushing for. Regardless of my finish times, the last 4-6 miles of every marathon I have run are about" pushing". Again, sounds pretty basic, and if it were only about physically pushing to keep your body moving, it would be basic, but it's not. It is an amazing journey, emotional, has perhaps an equal number of highs and lows and yet the highs will always far out weigh the lows...I could go on and on...but unless you run...far...its just words.

I came across this video earlier this week. At the end of Haile's video, he says, 'There is one push waiting inside you". Have you found yours? Get going, and keep on going. It is worth it.

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