Saturday, July 6, 2013

I Am an Ultra Runner!!!

Some stats -
My goal was to do the first 10 laps in 10 hours, that would be 33 miles and change.
I did the first 10 laps in 8:55!!  I hit the 50k mark during that 10th lap, in 8:03. I'm super happy with both those times.
That meant I had banked almost an hour, and made possible my second goal of maintaining a lap per hour, for 12 laps in 12 hours, with the total of 40.4.  But, with the banked time, I hit 12 laps shortly after 6 pm, so I had plenty of time to do the smaller loop that they open up the last hour. It's a .67 mile loop, I did one to make sure I was solidly over 40 miles, and then called it good with 41 miles and change. I stopped running about 6:25 ish??  Got some real food which i had not ate all day, and watched Brian do his small loops to hit his 40 miles.
I would have loved to get a few more small loops in and everything felt really good still, but the bottoms of my feet were on fire!! Lots of large blisters, including one that encircles my entire pinky toe, became an issue during the last 2 laps, and every step was pretty painful.
I was more than happy with my 41 and change! Super happy with how well I felt all day.
I'll do a recap in the coming days, but I am so happy with how today went!
It feels so good to finally check the 50k distance off my list, and to set a goal and nail it!


  1. WAY TO GO! 50K was a nice goal, but I knew you would go way over that barring something unexpected coming up. I really liked watching you and Brian out there (and need to thank you for letting me pass you at one point - a nice ego boost for me!).

    1. We didn't let were charging still at that point and we had no giddy up left!
      It was a fun day, can't want till next year!

  2. Awesome!!!! You and Brian are so amazing!!

  3. Yayyy!!! Congrats :DDD
