Monday, June 2, 2014

3 Posts in 1!

My last run in Castle Rock just happened to be on a round up day.  It's pretty cool to watch and hear.  The hills are full of cowboys on horses, the valley has cowboys on 4 wheelers scarring the cows out of the flats up into the hills, and then the cowboys on horses drive them to where they want them.  There's lots of yelling "Yaw" and cows running.  It is super cool, and distracting. It' s not everyday I can get a shot like these.  The cowboy in these shots was throwing a stick for his dogs.

 And then I ate trail.....the hardest fall I've had.  Like lay on the ground kicking the other foot because my knee was throbbing so bad.

 It's still swollen, and bruised in a circle around the knee cap, but it' ll be fine....when it starts bending all the way again : )

Post 2- a pic I always take when we field trip to Smith Family Farm in Brentwood.

 He was fine all day, but started puking late Friday night, all night.  Unfortunately, we had a race the next day that I had been really looking forward to for some time. We had a tutu making parting with all our friends Friday night (before Myles was puking), and we were all excited for this fun adventure.

 Post 3-
Myles stopped puking about 3 a.m., we figured we'd take him and see if he could walk it since he had been looking forward to it, too.  He made it all the way until our wave took off, and then puked and he and I had to sit out the run. : ( So sad.  But everyone else had a great time, its definitely one I want to do someday!!

In other news, the last 2 weeks of school have begun!! Lots of parties and special events, busy times, but we have finally got some races on the calendar, which are listed on the left.


  1. That's so sad about Myles getting sick like that - I've heard those are fun events.

    Who all is coming to Trailquake? Diane won't be there but I probably will, although maybe as a volunteer of some sort. And I assume 12 hours and 50 miles at Dirty Dozen - right?

  2. Hey Allen,
    We will all be there! Brian and Emma are 10k-ing, Myles, Sophie and I are 5k-ing. Dirty Dozen, yes to the 12 hour, and as for mileage....we'll see what happens. I haven't done any serious running for about 4 months. Brian for 2. So..we'll see.

    1. So you will be well rested for Dirty Dozen? Suddenly I'm nervous. See you all at Trailquake! (Hopefully - I really don't know what my deal is going to be. We are running Double Dipsea the next weekend, so I will need to be careful.)
