Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tears of Joy

I have never cried over one of my kids report cards before today.  They are always good, mostly straight A's or 3's since that's what they use in elementary school.  I'm thrilled with that...but not emotional, in part because I want them to  understand I'd be just as happy with a C or D if they tried their hardest and that's what they got.

If you've been around here this year, you know it's been a doozy educationally speaking. We've spent a lot of time and resources getting him squared away and "figured out" so that next year we are ready to go and have our ducks in a row, and appropriate measures in place...whether next year would be another year of 1st grade, or 2cd grade.....we were not sure.

Well I'm more than thrilled to report that I have his report card in hand, and it is excellent, nearly all 3's, a huge jump in his RAP score (reading), and mostly all E's (excellent).  His teachers comments were also markedly less sarcastic and snarky than what we had on the first 2 report cards, so that's a small victory also. 

I'm so proud of him!  Yes, we got him the proper interventions he needed to help him, got him to the proper specialists, therapies, etc...but he also realized he is a kid who is going to have to try harder than a lot of the other kids....and he has.  He understands the things that he has a hard time with, and has worked hard in those areas.

So what does this mean besides that he gets to move on to 2cd grade?? He does indeed get to have his "I survived 1st Grade" party, with the bounce house and snow cone machine and whatever else he wants!!! (within reason)

Congrats, Myles!!!

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