Friday, December 14, 2012


I spoiled my kids.

I bought them gifts because I wanted to see their faces smiling and totally surprised and happy.

Even though it was raining, I did not pick them up in the pick up line, but walked to each of their class rooms and met them outside, and was greeted with hugs, smiles, and "what are you doing here?"

We went to the ice cream shop and sat and talked and had ice cream.

Tonight, we will go to Costco, and when they ask to sample every sample we pass, I will for once say yes (against my better judgement : )

Why? Because I have 3 amazing, healthy, happy kids.

It's all too easy to get in the rut of dropping off/picking up/, doing homework with them, making them clean their rooms and pick up their junk laying around the house, eating dinner, going to bed, getting up and doing the whole thing again.....and then an event happens, and you pause, and realize how grateful you are that you have 3 kids to tell to clean their rooms, to make dinner for, to do their laundry. 

Our false sense of security is what keeps us sane.  We could what if ourselves into being hermits. Most of us dont' do that. We assume we are safe at home, but really, we aren't. We assume our kids are safe at school, but really, they aren't. We think we are safe driving to the store, but we aren't. The list could go on - theaters, the mall, walking down the side walk, going for a run....we never are truly safe. Anything could happen anywhere, anytime. But to exist, to function, to live  a normal life, we have to assume we are going to be safe. I have to laugh when I hear concerns about me running alone...the reality is none of us are safe doing anything. That is the state of the world we live in. I heard someone on the news today say "so what do we do to prevent this from happening again?" The 'expert' said, "Nothing. We can't prevent it from happening again. It will happen again."

Today is a good reminder to soak in everyday. Enjoy every second. Hug your kids. Play with them. Laugh with them. Tell those people in your life who you love that you love them. Things could change in an instant. Be grateful for who and what you have right now.


  1. Missed my wonderful Grandkids today more than ever. Needed to hug them and be hugged by them. I love you all so much!
    G-ma J

  2. Love this post! Yes, it does take an event to jolt you back to reality... we all get caught up in our ruts and every so often it's good to take a step back and evaluate our lives. I have a feeling there are 3 happy kids right now!

  3. I suspect lots of kids were met at their schools today - that kind of event can't help but shake you up a bit. And you are completely right - love this post!
