Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This Months TrailRunner Mag

You know, he just couldn't stop talking about how he got chicked by me.
: )
Just kidding, apparently it wasn't among his "epic" running moments.
No matter, I'm still a fan.

In other news, my living room is looking more and more like a gym. The husband informed me a few days ago that he ordered a spin bike that should be here Friday.

I'm all or nothing, so if I'm gonna have a bike in my living room, then all the furniture had to come out, and it had to be a full on workout room. The treadmill made it's way inside from the garage, and a new industrial looking carpet went down where the treadmill is, and bike will be.
I'd love to find some weights on craigslist, but it's hard to find a set that isn't' insanely expensive.
For now I have a dumbbells from 5lbs to 20, one set w/plates, and then some extra 5lb plates I use for things like crunches and movements I'd rather hold a plate than a dumbbell for.
I need to find some old mirrored closet doors to hang on the wall and it'll be done.
I guess it's good that we live in an older house that has the separate living/family rooms!
Couple cans of "smell good" room spray wouldn't' hurt either.

Random question, but is anyone out there going after the Diablo Challenge 50k this year??
I'm getting the itch....... Our miles will be up as it's after NVM, it's Brazen, and it's local (for us)...sounds like it's make a good candidate for our first attempt at the distance. Oh, and the 10 hour limit sounds reasonable.
Just wondering.


  1. I can't believe Dean didn't mention you whipping him, but this probably happened long after this issue went to press.

    I'll be at the Brazen 50K for try two (if you haven't seen my blog post about try one, you should go find it - this is not a trivial race). This is a tough 50K under the best of conditions, but the 10 hour limit is nice, and of course, it's a Brazen race. I just found out this morning that I got in to the Way Too Cool 50K that is about a month earlier, and surprisingly, a much easier course.

  2. Beth, you are awesome! I am very excited about the LR makeover. Go get em.

  3. Congrats on Way Too Cool NTL!!
    I browsed the entrant list and was wondering if you could enlighten me about the ranking system on the far left of that page?
    What is it ranking?? and is that a total newbie question??

    Also, you have seen us in action and we respect your opinion....would you recommend we attempt an easier 50k the first go round??

    It does look like a tough course w/signifigant climbs, but also has an almost equal amount of downhill, which is my strength (but after going 20 miles, strength is relative as everything is mush)...
    Feel free to email me.

  4. Hey Beth, have you heard of Freecycle? We have gotten some amazing stuff there and it is all free. Just a thought of a place to look for your weights.

  5. Hey Diane,
    No, I haven't! Thanks for letting me know, I will check it out!
    By the way, congrats on your awesome run over the weekend! When I saw you in the pictures I knew you had your game face on!
    (I like the old "tell everyone I'm sick" trick)....they never saw you coming : )

  6. Hahahahaha, but I was sick! I sure paid for it on Monday even though all I did were 5k's both Sat and Sun. I didn't even know I had a game face. I think maybe I am more competitive than I thought I was. Have fun with Freecycle. Got Jesse a snowboard, boots and goggles that had only been used once. Major score!
