Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Refilling the Batteries One Run at a Time

A few pictures from today's run. These could also double as a photo explanation of why I love living where we live.
For you locals, as mentioned in an earlier post today, this is Castle Rock Park, to Little Yosemite, to Briones to Mt Diablo, down Buckeye Ravine, and back out Castle Rock.  For you not-so-locals, it's all in the Mt. Diablo foothills in Walnut Creek, CA.


looking back, you can see the tip tops of Castle Rock rocks

If you look ahead carefully, you can see one of the many cattle gates I crossed.

Looking across a valley to China Wall, a rock wall formation above Macedo Ranch. Eventually I make my way over there along a trail that runs along the bottom of it.

In this pic, the Mt is to my back, but I just happened to stop and turn around.....

and what a beautiful site the Mt was this morning, it really looked faded and super shadowy because of where the sun was


Earlier I was on single track in those small hills w/trees taking the picture of China Wall, which is on my right while taking this picture.

Now I'm running again, with the Mt at my back

Taking a picture again of the Mt and trail I have already traveled on.

a rare bit of down hill!

Loops done, almost back to the car, but not before seeing some turkeys

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