Thursday, January 9, 2014


 I got to the car around mile 11 today. I really, really wanted to hit 13.1.  It was so, so tempting to just get in the car and be done. I felt done, my legs were for sure done climbing. Garmin had me at 2500 ft of climbing at that point.Id end up with 2,688. My body was done.  But, if I quit, I would have felt  un-done. It would have been just another run where I quit because I was tired, and I could. So I didn't. Because this-

Not a fun way to get it done, but get it done I did, cuz I've got goals, darn it!

On a side note, any Garmin and Strava users out there hate that Strava cuts your elevation?  Garmin is always about the same as Running Ahead, and Strava is always right close to half of whatever Garmin says, or around 1000 less if we are talking runs that get into the 1000's, which is pretty common in this house.  Brian has a super fancy Garmin, the Fenix, which has a Barometric altimeter, which Strava requires for accurate elevation reading, so he gets killer elevation reads on his Strava. Not a big deal at the end of the day, just an annoyance.

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