Thursday, January 10, 2013

Nemisis Toothpicks

Life Lesson -
       Toothpicks are for your mouth, but if you regularly put your foot in your mouth, its just a matter of time before a toothpick ends up in your foot!

I'm so glad I did the random things that make me happy post last night because shortly after posting it, I was not so happy.

Brian stepped on a toothpick, got about half an inch of it wedged into his big toe joint, and broke it off in there.  In a moment of "we really cant afford a hospital bill right now", we attempted (for about 2 seconds) to dig it out. We're geniuses. Digging a toothpick out of a large joint in a runners foot??? Smart, no??

By 1 a.m. this morning it was out, professionally removed at the hospital, one stitch, a tetanus shot, and some antibiotics, and he's sound asleep still this morning.  It is, unfortunately, the same leg as his strained calf muscle, which already last night was hurting again because of walking with his foot rolled out to the side to avoid using his big toe. Poor guy. 

An injured runner is not a happy camper, lets hope a doubly injured runner isn't doubly unhappy. I told him this just forces him to be off long enough that his calf will heal all the way, forced down time.  He has not ran for almost 2 weeks now, probably going to be at least another 2 weeks. If we get inside the 10 week window before Diablo, and still no running, we will have to start rethinking a few things.

I'm going to go re-read my "Random Happiness" post now : )


  1. Wow - that's a new one. So sorry to hear about this and the forced time off from running. (I'm in a minor spell of that myself due to mild Achilles' tendonitis.) Hopefully he will heal quick and not miss out on Diablo Take Two. And toothpicks are now classified as a hazardous substance and banned from the household now, right?

    1. YES!!
      It's almost too random to believe. We never get hurt out on the trails, but a toothpick goes in for the kill???
      It's just silly!
      Sorry to hear about the achilles, painful I'm sure, and annoying.
      Rest up!

  2. Ahhhh! We've had a toothpick vs. foot experience before. No fun! I'm a little freaky about them now, not an experience I wish to revisit. And it wasn't my foot it was Candra'a when she was about 7. Ugh! Hope Brian has a fast recovery!

    1. Hey Megan, thanks for the fast recovery wishes!
      Our youngest, Myles, is 6 and a very picky eater....unless he can stab food with a toothpick and eat it...then he'll eat almost anything...thus the toothpick in the carpet : )
      He'll be doing all his "stabbing" at the kitchen table from now on, and I'll have to count the toothpicks when he starts and when he finishes, lol.
