Friday, November 22, 2013


 Look at these cutie pies!!
They all look so little! This was at our Georgia house, in 2006.  We used to clear the furniture in the room and blow up our air bed for them to jump on.
BTW, these have nothing to do with this post really, I am just lacking any pictures from this week to show you, so we are going retro.

 I think Myles learned in the womb to tune them out, lol. He was such a handsome baby. He still has the exact same hair.
Not much to report this week. I literally spent the entire week, minus one morning of running, cleaning. I would like to blame my dad and step mom for this, but really, it's all the little stuff that really needed done anyway, and them coming just gave me a reason to spend the time doing it.  I really didn't realize how many fake plants I had in the house until I stood for  hours washing them all in the sink, except for the trees, which got hosed down outside.  And who invented base boards??  That top edge on the base gets so dirty, but you don't notice on a day to day basis.  And the top of the fridge?? Under the microwave??  The tracks that the pantry doors slide in??  And lets not even talk about how many times I've blown the leaves off the patio in the last 2 days.  That dust at the top of the curtains?? Window sills, tops of the hutches, sofa cushion covers, book shelves.....I mean really??  Unless I just stop and close my eyes I will always find something more that I can clean.  I was so relieved to get up at 4 and head out the door to pick them up at SFO this morning. It meant I was officially done cleaning!!
Except...they were delayed an hour at first, then found out the flight was cancelled and new flight would arrive at 11:40 tonight.  I almost considered staying there all day and not coming home because I knew I'd find more stuff to clean....but realized the parking fee would be  a months salary. (wait, I don't get paid?!) 
In the meantime, BART stopped running at some point, so the drive back home was slow going, even w/reverse commute, because the traffic. The 101 I had just driven in on w/no problem was now stopped.  And, does the new Bay Bridge make anyone else dizzy or was it just the after effects of all the cleaning solution's fumes?? Those angled cables and the straight road...made me loopy!
Anyhow, we are all so excited to actually get Grandma and Grandpa here and on the ground safe and sound we can't wait!! And it really is good for me to branch out and get out of my comfort zone with what will end up being 4 trips to SFO in one week. Help us all if I get comfortable driving in the city, that would open up a whole new world!
We will still have a great time even though grandma and grandpa are starting off with a rough travel day.  I think it's probably good they didn't have to land in this wind on a small plane.  It would have been rough.
Hope you all have a great weekend!!

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