Saturday, May 19, 2012

Brazen's Wildcat 5/10k - Summary Below

nice shorts!

Sophie is the little pink person going through the gate

we caught her on a hill

she took off, and this was a rare occasion when he ran

he splashed around in that tiny stream crossing the trail up there

his personal assistant at the aid station, Brazen has the best volunteers!

This eucalyptus grove smelled so good!

He's walking backwards and I'm pulling him up hill

here comes Em in the blue shirt

I was just snapping away and happend to catch this epic fall, she popped up and kept going

right now she's saying "you didn't get that, right?", I said I dont' think so...didn't know until I got home and looked.

nothing to see here, just taking care of business

More pictures here


  1. I love these! Emma is such a trail runner - falls, gets up, and her only real concern is whether it was captured in pictures! What's next for you guys?

  2. Great job all of you! I want to hear all about it. I'll call tomorrow! Love the fall, she can teach me lessons about getting up! :)
